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The Cabal 
Exit of Hebrew qabbalah meaning "tradition" and indicating the biblical texts in the rabbinical literature. The cabal indicates secret and quantified science, reserved to the initiates of the tradition of Israel. This esoteric knowledge is based on the study of the Hebrew crowned texts, by analyzing the existing relationship between the letters and the numbers of the words.  
The tradition wants that the keys of the knowledge were given, by Jéhovah, with the angels which taught it in their turn with the biblical patriarchs, just like Moïse accepted from God of other revelations on the Sinai mount enabling him to reach the mysteries of creation. Thus the divine law is accessible to the common run of people by Pentateuque, while the Cabal is the coded divine law reserved for wise and to the initiates.  
The cabal, large esoteric school, studies a whole of texts of which in particular Sépher ha Zohar, called Zohar or the book of splendour, and Sépher Yetsirah. For these kabbalistic studies 3 approaches are used:  
- the study of the numerical value of each letter and then of chque word  
- the study of the possible permutations of the letters and the results of these permutations  
- the study of the composition of new words starting from the letters beginning or finishing the words of a sentence.  
By way of example, the tétragramme crowned divine name YHWH (yahvé) has as a guematric value the number 26 which are obtained by adding the value with the letters - Yod, hé, waw, hé- soit10 5 6 5=26.  
In the same way, the of the same words guematric value are brought closer: the words "secrecy" and "wine" are for example of the same value.

(c) Ananta - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
Modifié en dernier lieu le 24.09.2005
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